Mary Help of Christians Novena - Day 9 (Final Day)
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that
never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help,
and sought your intercession, was left unaided, inspired with this confidence I
fly unto you; O Virgin of virgins, my Mother! To you I come, before you I
stand, sinful and sorrowful, O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my
petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.
O Virgin Most Holy, powerful help of
Christians, I confidently appeal to the throne of your mercy. Hear the prayers
of this poor sinner that begs your help, so I may always flee from sin and from
the occasions of sin. Behold the first grace that I ask from this novena. Amen.
Mary, powerful Virgin, Thou art the mighty and
glorious protector of holy Church; thou art the marvelous help of Christians;
thou art terrible as an army in battle array; thou alone hast destroyed every
heresy in the whole world. In the midst
of our anguish, our struggles and our distress defend us from the power of the
enemy and at the hour of our death receive our souls in paradise. Amen.
Most kind Mother, in every age you wished to be the help of Christians, assist me with your invincible aid in life, and especially at the hour of my death, so that after having loved and praised you on earth, I may deserve to come and sing your mercies forever in Heaven.
Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven Hallowed be Thy
Name; Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those
who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen
Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace. Our Lord is with
thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
our death. Amen.
Glory Be
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to
the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world
without end. Amen
Hail Holy Queen
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life,
our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve;
to thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us and after this
our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O
loving, O sweet Virgin Mary. Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be
made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Mary, Help of
Christians, Pray for us.
O Almighty and Merciful God, you have given the
Blessed Virgin Mary to all Christians as their everlasting Protectress,
graciously grant now, that, strengthened by Her aid and striving onward in
life, I may be victorious over the wicked one in the hour of my death. Through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
On May 24th the
following consecration may be made.
Entrustment of our Home to Mary Help of Christians
Most Holy Virgin
Mary, appointed by God to be the Help of Christians, we choose you as the
Mother and Protectress of our home.
We ask you to
favor us with your powerful protection. Preserve our home from every danger;
from fire, flood, lightning, storms, earthquakes, thieves, vandals, and from
every other danger. Bless us, protect us, defend us, keep us as your own, all
the people who dwell in this home. Protect them from all accidents and
misfortunes, but above all obtain from them the most important grace of
avoiding sin. Mary, Help of Christians pray for all those who live in this home
which is entrusted to you.
From the Liturgical Year - Ven. Dom Gueranger
Ever since our entrance upon
the joys of the Paschal Season, scarcely a day has passed without the Calendar's
offering us some grand Mystery or Saint to honor; and all these have been
radiant with the Easter sun. But of our Blessed Lady, there has not been a
single Feast to gladden our hearts by telling us of some mystery or glory of
this august Queen. The Feast of her Seven Dolors is sometimes kept in April, —
that is, when Easter Sunday falls on or after the 10th of that month; but May
and June pass without any special solemnity in honor of the Mother of God. It
would seem as though Holy Church wished to honor, by a respectful silence, the
forty days during which Mary enjoyed the company of her Jesus, after his
Resurrection. We, therefore, should never separate the Mother and the Son, if
we would have our Easter meditations be in strict accordance with truth, — and
that, we surely must wish. During these forty days, Jesus frequently visits his
Disciples, weak men and sinners as they are: can he, then, keep away from his
Mother, now that he is so soon to ascend into heaven, and leave her for several
long years here on earth? Our hearts forbid us to entertain the thought. We
feel sure that he frequently visits her, and that, when not visibly present
with her, she has him in her soul, in a way more intimate and real and
delicious than any other creature could have. No Feast could have given
expression to such a mystery; and yet the Holy Ghost, who guides the spirit of
the Church, has gradually led the Faithful to devote to the honoring Mary, in
an especial manner, the entire Month of May, the whole of which comes, almost
every year, under the glad season of Easter. No doubt, the loveliness of the
May Month would, sometime or other, suggest the idea of consecrating it to the
Holy Mother of God; but if we reflect on the divine and mysterious
influence which guides the
Church in all she does, we shall recognize, in this present instance, a
heavenly inspiration, which prompted the Faithful to unite their own joy with
that of Mary's, and spend this beautiful Month, which is radiant with their own
Easter joy, in commemorating the maternal delight experienced, during that same
period, by the Immaculate Mother when on earth.
To-day, however, we have a Feast in honor of Mary. True, — it is not
one of those Feasts which are entered on the general Calendar of the Church;
yet is it so widely spread, and this with the consent of the Holy See, that our
Liturgical Year would have been incomplete without it. Its object is to honor
the Mother of God as the Help of Christians, — a title she has justly merited
by the Innumerable favors she has
conferred upon Christendom. Dating from that day, whose anniversary we are soon
to be celebrating, and on which the Holy Ghost descended upon Mary in the
Cenacle, in order that she might begin to exercise over the Church Militant her
power as Queen, — who could tell the number of times that she has aided, by her
protection, the Kingdom of her Son on earth?
Battle of Lepanto |
Heresies have risen up, one after
the other: they were violent; they were frequently supported by the great ones
of this world; each of them was resolved on the destruction of the True Faith;
— and yet, one after the other, they have dwindled away, or fallen into
impotency; or are gradually sinking by internal discord; and Holy Church tells
us, that it is Mary who "alone destroys all heresies throughout the whole
world."' If public scandals or persecutions, or the tyranny of secular
interference, have, at times, threatened to stay the progress of the Church, —
Mary has stretched forth her arm, the obstacles were removed, and Jesus' Spouse
continued her onward march, leaving her foes and her fetters behind her. All
this was vividly brought before the mind of the saintly Pontiff, Pius the
Fifth, by the victory of Lepanto, gained, by Mary's intercession, over the
Turkish Fleet, and he resolved to add one more title to the glorious ones given
to our Lady in the Litany: the title he added was, Auxílium Christianorum, Help
of Christians. Our present century, the 19th, has had the happiness of seeing
another Pontiff, also named Pius, institute a Feast under this same title, — a
Feast which is intended to commemorate the Help bestowed on Christendom, and in
all ages, by the Mother of God. Nothing could be happier than the choice of the
day, on which this Feast was to be kept. On the 24th of May, in the year 1814,
there was witnessed in Rome the most magnificent triumph that has yet been
recorded in the annals of the Church. That was a grand day, whereon Constantine
marked out the foundations for the Vatican Basilica in honor of the Prince of
the Apostles; Sylvester stood by, and blessed the Emperor, who had just been
converted to the true Faith: but important as was this event, it was but a sign
of the last and decisive victory won by the Church, in the then recent persecution
of Diocletian.
In this sign you shall conquer. |
That was a grand day, whereon Leo the Third, Vicar of the King
of kings, crowned Charlemagne with the imperial diadem, and, by his apostolic
power, gave continuance to the long interrupted line of Emperors: but Leo the
Third, by this, did but give an official and solemn expression to the power
which the Church had already frequently exercised in the newly constituted
nations, which received from her the idea of Christian government, the
consecration of their rights, and the grace that was to enable them to fulfill their duties. That was a grand day, whereon Gregory the Ninth took back to the
City of Peter the Papal Throne, which had been pent up at Avignon for seventy
sad years: but Gregory the Ninth, in this, did but fulfill a duty, and his
predecessors, had they willed it, might have effected this return to Rome,
which the necessities of Christendom so imperatively called for. Yes, all these
were glorious days; but the 24th of May, of 1814, surpasses them all. Pius the
Seventh re-entered Rome amidst the acclamations of the Holy City, whose entire
population went forth to meet him, holding palm branches in their hands, and
greeting him with their hosannas of enthusiastic joy. He had been a captive for
five years, during which the spiritual government of the Christian world had
suffered a total suspension. It was not the Allied Powers, who had made common
cause against his oppressor, that broke the Pontiffs fetters; the very tyrant
who kept him from Rome, had given him permission to return at the close of the
preceding year ; but the Pontiff chose his own time, and did not leave
Fontainebleau till the 25th of January. Rome, whither he was about to return,
had been made a part of the French Empire, five years previously, and by a
Decree in which was cited the name of Charlemagne! The City of Peter had been
reduced to a head-town of a Department, with a Prefect for its administrator;
and, with a view to making men forget that it was the City of the Vicars of
Christ, its name was given as a title to the heir-presumptive of the Imperial
crown of France. What a day that 24th of May, which witnessed the triumphant
return of the Pontiff into the Holy City, whence he had been dragged, during
the night, by the soldiers of an ambitious tyrant! He made the journey in short
stages, meeting, on his way, the Allied Armies of Europe, which recognized his
right as King. This right is superior, both in antiquity and dignity, to that of
all other monarchs; and all, no matter whether they be heretics, schematics, or
Catholics, must admit it, were it only on the strength of its being an
historical fact.
But what we have so far said is
not sufficient to give an adequate idea of the greatness of the prodigy thus
achieved by our Lady, the Help of Christians. In order to have a just
appreciation of it, we must remember that the miracle was not wrought in the
age of Sylvester and Constantine, or of St. Leo the Third and Charlemagne, or
of the great prophetess Catharine of Sienna, who made known the commands of God
to the people of Italy and to the Popes of Avignon. The age that witnessed this
wondrous event was the 19th, and that, too, when it was under the degrading
influence of Voltairianism, and there were still living the authors and
abettors of the crimes and impieties that resulted from the principles taught
in the 18th century. Everything was adverse to such a glorious and unexpected
triumph; Catholic feeling was far from being roused as it now is; the action of
God's providence had to show itself in a direct and visible manner: and to let
the Christian world know that such was the case, Rome instituted the annual
Feast of the 24th of May, as an offering of acknowledgment to Mary, the Help of
Christians. Let us now weigh the importance of the twofold "Restoration,
which was wrought on this day by the intercession of the Holy Mother of God.
Pope Pius VII |
Pius the Seventh had been forcibly taken from Rome and dethroned; on this 24th
of May, he was reinstated in Rome, both as Pope and as Temporal Sovereign. On
the respective Feasts of St. Peter's Chair at Rome and Antioch, we gave our
readers the doctrine of the Church, which teaches us that the succession to the
rights conferred by Christ upon St. Peter belongs to the Bishop of Rome. From
this it follows, that residence in the City of Rome is both the right and
obligation of the successor of St. Peter, save in the case of his deeming a
temporary absence to be demanded by circumstances. Whosoever, therefore, by
means of physical force, keeps the Sovereign Pontiff out of Rome, or prevents
him from residing there, is acting in opposition to the Divine Will; for the
Pastor ought to be in the midst of his flock; and Rome having been made, by
Christ, the head of all Churches, these have a right to find in Rome him, who
is both the Infallible Doctor of Faith, and the source of all spiritual
jurisdiction. The first blessing, therefore, for which we are indebted to Mary,
on this day, is that she brought back the Pastor to his flock, and restored the
supreme government of holy Church to its normal state. The second, is her
having reinstated the Pontiff in possession of his Temporal Power, which is the
surest guarantee of his being independent in the exercise of his Spiritual
Power. We have but to consult history, and we shall learn what miseries and
dangers have followed from the Popes being the subject of any earthly Monarch.
The experience of the past shows us, that the City of Rome, if under any other
government than that of the Papacy, excites the mistrust of Christendom as to
the liberty necessary for the due election of the Supreme Pontiff. God, in his
all-seeing wisdom, provided against what would have been a perpetual source of
anarchy in the Church. From the earliest commencement of the Christian era, he
prepared the foundation of the temporal dominion of the Papacy over Rome and
its territory, even before the sword of the Franks was drawn for the defense,
the establishing, and increasing this precious Domain, which is the property of
Christendom. Whosoever dares to invade it, attacks the liberty of the entire
Church; and we know, as St. Anselm says, that " there is nothing in this
world more loved by God, than the Liberty of his Church: "hence the severe
punishments that have ever followed such as offered violence to it. The
Pontifical Sovereignty over Rome and the States belonging to the Church, has
arisen from necessity, but that necessity belongs to the super natural order of
things. It follows, that this Sovereignty surpasses all others in dignity, and
that, in consequence of its being consecrated to God's service on earth, it is
to be considered as a sacred thing. He that dares to invade it, is guilty, not
only of a spoliation, but of sacrilege; and the anathemas of the Church lie
heavily upon him. Here again, we have history telling us how terrible has been
the lot of all those, who, despising the anathema, refused to make restitution
to the Church, and dared to defy the justice of Him who conferred on Peter the
power of binding and loosing. Finally, Authority being the basis of every
society, and its maintenance being of the utmost importance to the preservation
of order and justice, it should be mainly respected and upheld in the Roman
Pontiff, for he is the highest representative of Authority on earth, his
temporal Power is by far the oldest in existence, and his Kingly character is enhanced
by the union of supreme Spiritual power. He, therefore, that attacks or
overthrows the Temporal Sovereignty of the Pope, is an enemy to every
Government; for there is no other than can bear comparison with this in merit
and rightful possession; and if it be not spared, no other is safe. Let us,
then, give thanks to the Blessed Mother of God, on this feast of the
twenty-fourth day of May, which has been instituted in commemoration of the
twofold blessing she thus brought upon the world, the preservation of the Church, and the
preservation of Society. Let us unite in the fervent acclamations of the then
loyal citizens of Rome, and, like them, sing, with all the glad joy of our
Easter Alleluia, our greetings of Hosanna to the Vicar of Christ, the Father of
that dear Land, our common Country. The remembrance of St. Peter's deliverance
from prison, and his restoration to liberty, must have been vividly on the
minds of that immense concourse of people, whose love for their Pontiff was
redoubled by the sufferings he had gone through. As the triumphal chariot, on
which he had been placed, came near the Flaminian Gate, the horses were
unyoked, and the Pontiff was conveyed by the people to the Vatican Basilica,
where a solemn thanksgiving was made, over the Tomb of the Prince of the
But let us not close the day,
without admiring the merciful intervention of our Lady, the Help of Christians,
If the protection she gives to the Faithful sometimes necessitates her showing
severity to them that were the tyrants, her maternal heart is full of compassion for
the vanquished, and she extends her Help even to them. Thus it was with the
haughty Emperor, over whom she triumphed on the twenty-fourth of May; she would
then bring him back to humble repentance and to the practice of his religious
duties. A messenger from the Island of Saint Helena was one day ushered into
the presence of Pius the Seventh. The exiled Napoleon, whom he had consecrated
Emperor in the Church of Notre Dame, and whose after conduct brought him under
the ban of excommunication, now besought the Pontiff, the true and only King of
Rome, to allow him to be re-admitted to those spiritual blessings of which he
had been justly deprived. Our Lady was preparing a second victory. Pius the
Seventh, whose name the fallen Emperor could never pronounce without emotion,
and whom he called " a lamb," Pius the Seventh, who had so
courageously braved public opinion by giving hospitality, to the
members of the unfortunate Napoleon family, readily complied with the request
thus made to him; and the holy Sacrifice of the Mass was, shortly afterwards,
offered up in the presence of the illustrious exile of Saint Helena. Our Lady
of Help was advancing her conquest. But, before granting pardon, the Justice of
God had required a full and public expiation. He, who had been the instrument
of salvation to millions of souls, by restoring Religion to France, was not to
be lost; but he had impiously imprisoned the Sovereign Pontiff in the castle of
Fontainebleau; and it was in that very castle that he had afterwards to sign
the deed of his own abdication. For five years he had held captive the Vicar of
Christ; for five years, he himself had to endure the sufferings and humiliation
of captivity. Heaven accepted the retribution, and left Mary to complete her
victory. Reconciled with the Church, and fortified by the holy Sacraments which
prepare the Christian for eternity, Napoleon yielded up his soul into the hands
of his Maker, on the 5th of May, the Month that is sacred to Mary, and gives us
the Feast we are keeping to-day. The day chosen by God, from all eternity, for
Napoleon's death, was the Feast of St. Pius the Fifth; on which, same Feast,
Pius the Seventh, was receiving" the congratulations of his faithful
Romans. The name Pius signifies compassion and mercy; it is the glorious name
which our lips have been repeating* for the last five and twenty years, the
name of Pius the Ninth. It is one of the names given to God, in the Sacred
Scripture: Pius et misericors est Deus: God is compassionate and merciful.
Mary, too, is compassionate; it is the title we give her in one of our favorite
prayers: 0 Clemens, 0 Pia, 0 dulcis Virgo Maria! She is ever ready with her
aid, be the danger one that affects the Church at large, or a single individual
soul: she is the Help of Christians, and, as such, we honour her on this Feast.
God has willed her to be so; and we are but complying with his wishes, when we
have an unreserved confidence in the protection of this powerful Queen, this
loving Mother.

INTROIT - Isaiah 7: 14
Salve, sancta
Parens, eníxa puerpera Regem: qui cœlum terrámque regit in sæculórum. Ps. 44: 2
Eructávit cor meum verbum bonum: dico
ego opera mea Regi. V. Gloria Patri.
Hail, holy
Mother, thou who didst bring forth the King Who rules Heaven and earth for ever
and ever. Ps. My heart hath uttered a good word: I speak my works to the King.
V. Glory be to the Father
O Almighty and
merciful God, Who didst wondrously appoint the most Blessed Virgin perpetual
help for Christians in need of protection: grant in Thy mercy that after
battling in life under such a protectress, we may be able to conquer our enemy
at death. Through our Lord
LESSON Ecclus 24: 14-16
From the
beginning, and before the world, was I created, and unto the world to come I
shall not cease to be, and in the holy dwelling place I have ministered before
him. And so I was established in Sion, and in the holy city likewise I rested,
and my power was in Jerusalem. And I took root in an honorable people, and in
the portion of my God his inheritance, and my abode is in the full assembly of
GOSPEL Luke 11: 27-28
At that time, as
Jesus was speaking to the multitudes, a certain woman from the crowd, lifting
up her voice, said to Him: Blessed is the womb that bore Thee and the paps that
gave Thee suck. But He said: Yea, rather, blessed are they who hear the world
of God and keep it.
Madonna and Child - SCHNORR VON CAROLSFELD, Julius |
It is truly meet
and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times and in all
places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God; and
that we should praise and bless and proclaim Thee in the Festivity of the
blessed Mary ever Virgin: who conceived Thine only-begotten Son by the
overshadowing of the Holy Ghost, and the glory of her virginity still abiding,
gave forth the eternal Light, Jesus Christ our Lord: through Whom Angels praise
Thy Majesty, Dominations worship, Powers stand in awe: the Heavens and the
hosts of heaven with the blessed Seraphim unite, exult, and celebrate; and we
entreat that Thou wouldst bid our voices also to be heard with theirs, singing
with lowly praise.