Wednesday, June 29, 2016


Madonna and Child with Ss. Peter and Paul - CESARI, Giuseppe (1608-09)

The Apostles Peter and Paul are the two Princes of the Apostles, the foundations of the Church, on which she is firmly established as on a rock. 
After the Descent of the Holy Ghost, St. Peter preached the Gospel in Judea and was cast into prison by the cruel Herod. He was miraculously delivered by an Angel and established his see first at Antioch, and then finally at Rome, where the first Pope exercised during twenty-five years the Supreme Authority vested in him by Christ Himself. Then he was arrested, and like St. Paul suffered martyrdom A.D. 65. 

Double of The First Class with a Common Octave
Red Vestments  - Missa ‘Nunc scio vere’

INTROIT Acts 12: 11
Nunc scio vere quia misit Dóminus Angelum suum: et erípuit me de manu Heródis, et de omni exspectatióne plebis Judæórum. Ps. 138. 12. Dómine, probásti me et cognovísti me: tu cognovísti sessiónem meam et resurrectiónem meam. Gloria Patri.

Now I know in very deed, that the Lord hath sent His angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews. Ps. Lord, Thou hast proved me and known me: Thou hast known my sitting down and my rising up. Glory be to the Father.


O God, who hast made holy this day with the martyrdom of Thine apostles Peter and Paul; grant that Thy Church may in all things follow the precepts of those from whom it first received the faith. Through our Lord.

The Liberation of St Peter, GIORDANO, Luca - 1661-62

EPISTLE Acts 12: 1-11
In those days, Herod the king stretched forth his hand to afflict some of the Church: and he killed James, the brother of John, with the sword; and seeing that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded to take up Peter also. Now it was in the days of the azymes: and when he had apprehended him, he cast him into prison, delivering him to four files of soldiers to be kept, intending after the Pasch to bring him forth to the people. Peter therefore was kept in prison; but prayer was made without ceasing by the Church unto God for him. And when Herod would have brought him forth, the same night Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains; and the keepers before the door kept the prison. And  behold, an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shined in the room; and he striking Peter on the side, raised him up, saying: Arise quickly. And the chains fell off from his hands; and the angel said to him: Gird thyself, and put on thy sandals. And he did so. And he said to him: Cast thy garment about thee, and follow me. And going out, he followed him: and he knew not that it was true which was done by the angel; but he thought he saw a vision. And passing through the first and the second ward, they came to the iron gate that leadeth to the city, which of itself opened to them; and going out, they passed on through one street, and immediately the angel departed from him. And Peter coming to himself, said: Now I know in very deed that the Lord hath sent His angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the expectation of the people of the Jews.

GRADUAL - Psalm 44: 17-18
Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth: they shall remember Thy name, O Lord. V. Instead of thy fathers, sons are born to thee: therefore shall people praise thee.

ALLELUIA - Matthew 16: 18
Alleluia, alleluia. V. Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church. Alleluia.

GOSPEL - Matthew 16: 13-19
At that time, Jesus came into the quarters of Caesarea Philippi, and He asked His disciples, saying: Whom do men say that the Son of man is? But they said: Some, John the Baptist, and other some Elias, and others Jeremias, or one of the prophets. Jesus saith to them: But whom do you say that I am? Simon Peter answered, and said: Thou art Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answering, said to him: Blessed art Thou, Simon BarJona, because flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but My Father who is in heaven: and I say to thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it; and I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, it shall be loosed also in heaven.

Sts Peter and Paul
OFFERTORY Psalm 44: 17, 18
Thou shalt make them princes over all the earth; they shall remember Thy name, O Lord, throughout all generations.

May the prayer of Thine apostles accompany the oblation which we offer to be consecrated to Thy name; and grant that by it we may be cleansed and defended. Through our Lord.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, humbly to pray Thee, O Lord, the eternal Shepherd, to abandon not Thy flock; but through Thy blessed Apostles to keep a continual watch over it; that it may be governed by those same rulers whom Thou didst set over it as Thy shepherds and vicars. And therefore with Angels and Archangels, with Thrones and Dominions, and with all the heavenly hosts, we sing a hymn to Thy glory, saying without ceasing…

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dóminus Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.

COMMUNION - Matthew 16: 18
Thou art Peter: and upon this rock I will build my Church.

Thou hast fed us with bread from heaven, O Lord; by the prayers of Thine apostles keep us from all harm. Through our Lord.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

St. Irenaeus - Mass Propers

                             JUNE 28
                         St. Irenaeus
Bishop of Lyons, and Father of the Church
Irenaeus was born about the year 120. He was a Grecian, probably a native of Lesser Asia. His parents, who were Christians, placed him under the care of the great St. Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna. It was in so holy a school that he learned that sacred science which rendered him afterward a great ornament of the Church and the terror of her enemies. St. Polycarp cultivated his rising genius, and formed his mind to piety by precepts and example; and the zealous scholar was careful to reap all the advantages which were offered him by the happiness of such a master. Such was his veneration for his tutor’s sanctity that he observed every action and whatever he saw in that holy man, the better to copy his example and learn his spirit. He listened to his instructions with an insatiable ardor, and so deeply did he engrave them on his heart that the impressions remained most lively even to his old age. In order to confute the heresies of his age, this father made himself acquainted with the most absurd conceits of their philosophers, by which means he was qualified to trace up every error to its sources and set it in its full light. St. Polycarp sent St. Irenaeus into Gaul, in company with some priest; he was himself ordained priest of the Church of Lyons by St. Pothinus. St. Pothinus having glorified God by his happy death, in the year 177, our Saint was chosen the second Bishop of Lyons. By his preaching, he in a short time converted almost that whole country to the Faith. He wrote several works against heresy, and at last, with many others, suffered martyrdom about the year 202, under the Emperor Severus, at Lyons. 
                       St. Irenaeus
                  Bishop and Martyr
                Commemoration for 
  Vigil of Holy Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul
          and Within the Octave of the 
           Nativity of St. John the Baptist
              Double - Red vestments
                   Missa ‘Lex veritatis’

Lex veritatis fuit in ore ejus, et iniquitas non est inventa in labiis ejus: in pace et in aequitate ambulavit mecum, et multos avertit ab iniquitate. Ps. 77:1. Intellectus Asaph. Attendite, popule meus, legem meam; inclinate aurem vestram in verba oris mei.

The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was not found on his lips. He walked with me in peace and in justice, and turned many away from sinfulness.
Ps. 77:1. Hearken, My people, to My law; incline your ears to the words of My mouth.
V. Glory be.

O God, through Your help the teachings of the blessed confessor bishop Irenaeus overcame heresy and established peace in the Church. Grant us peace in our day and keep Your people steadfast in their holy religion. Through our Lord.

Commemoration for Vigil of Holy Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul
We beseech Thee, O almighty God, that Thou suffer no disturbance to shake us, whom Thou hast founded on the rock of the confession of Thine Apostles. Through our Lord.

St. John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness by Anton Raphael Mengs                                                                  
Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
O God, Who hast made this day honorable to us on account of the birth of blessed John, grant Thy people the grace of spiritual joys, and direct the minds of all the faithful in the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord.

EPISTLE - II Timothy 3:14-17; 4:1-5
Beloved: But continue thou in those things which thou hast learned and which have been committed to thee. Knowing of whom thou hast learned them: And because from thy infancy thou hast known the holy scriptures which can instruct thee to salvation by the faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture, inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in justice: That the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work. I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming and his kingdom: Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers having itching ears: And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil thy ministry.

GRADUAL - Ps. 121:8; 36:37
For the sake of my brethren and my neighbors, I prayed for your peace.
V. Hold fast to innocence and keep your sight on justice, for to the man who loves peace his future is in the hands of God.

ALLELUIA - Ecclus. 6:35
Alleluia, alleluia! V. Be among the numbers of prudent priests, and with your heart follow their wisdom, that you may hear every word of God. Alleluia!

Martyrdom of St. Irenaeus                                                                               
GOSPEL - Matthew 10:28-32
At that time, Jesus said to His disciples, "And fear ye not them that kill the body, and are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him that can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and not one of them shall fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: better are you than many sparrows. Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven."

OFFERTORY - Ecclus. 24:44
I make my doctrine shine forth to all as the morning light, and I declare it abroad.

O God, You will not permit the faithful who believe in you to be shaken by the threat of danger. Accept the prayers and offerings of the people dedicated to you, and mercifully grant Christian nations peace and security against all their enemies. Through our Lord.

Parting of Sts Peter and Paul Led to Martyrdom by Giovanni Serodine                                                                                                                     
Commemoration for Vigil of Holy Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul
Sanctify, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the offering of Thy people, by the intercession of Thine Apostles, and cleanse us from the stains of our sins. Through our Lord.

Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
We heap Thine altars with gifts, O Lord, celebrating with fitting honour the nativity of him who heralded the coming of the Saviour, and pointed Him out when He had come, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who liveth and reigneth.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God: through Christ our Lord. Through Whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, Dominations worship, Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with them we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted, while we say in lowly praise:

See, I have not labored for myself alone, but for all who seek the truth.

O God, You are the author and lover of peace; to know You is to live and to serve You is to rule. Shield Your suppliant people against all attacks, so that we who trust in Your protection may live without fear of any enemy. Through our Lord.

Commemoration for Vigil of Holy Apostles Ss. Peter and Paul
O Lord, by the intercession of Thine Apostles keep from all harm those whom Thou hast filled with heavenly food. Through our Lord.

Octave of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist
May Thy Church, O God, be joyful at the birth of blessed John the Baptist: through whom she knew the Author of her regeneration, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who with Thee livest and reignest.

Monday, June 27, 2016


  History of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour
The picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour is painted on wood, with background of gold. It is Byzantine in style and is supposed to have been painted in the thirteenth century. It represents the Mother of God holding the Divine Child while the Archangels Michael and Gabriel present before Him the instruments of His Passion. Over the figures in the picture are some Greek letters which form the abbreviated words Mother of God, Jesus Christ, Archangel Michael, and Archangel Gabriel respectively. It was brought to Rome towards the end of the fifteenth century by a pious merchant, who, dying there, ordered by his will that the picture should be exposed in a church for public veneration. It was exposed in the church of San Matteo, Via Merulana, between St. Mary Major and St. John Lateran. Crowds flocked to this church, and for nearly three hundred years many graces were obtained through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin. The picture was then popularly called the Madonna di San Matteo. The church was served for a time by the Hermits of St. Augustine, who had sheltered their Irish brethren in their distress. These Augustinians were still in charge when the French invaded Rome (1812) and destroyed the church. The picture disappeared; it remained hidden and neglected for over forty years, but a series of providential circumstances between 1863 and 1865 led to its discovery in an oratory of the Augustinian Fathers at Santa Maria in Posterula.

The pope, Pius IX, who as a boy had prayed before the picture in San Matteo, became interested in the discovery and in a letter dated 11 Dec., 1865 to Father General Mauron, C.SS.R., ordered that Our Lady of Perpetual Succour should be again publicly venerated in Via Merulana, and this time at the new church of St. Alphonsus. The ruins of San Matteo were in the grounds of the Redemptorist Convent. This was but the first favour of the Holy Father towards the picture. He approved of the solemn translation of the picture (26 April, 1866), and its coronation by the Vatican Chapter (23 June, 1867). He fixed the feast as duplex secundae classis, on the Sunday before the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and by a decree dated May, 1876, approved of a special office and Mass for the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. This favour later on was also granted to others. Learning that the devotion to Our Lady under this title had spread far and wide, Pius IX raised a confraternity of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and St. Alphonsus, which had been erected in Rome, to the rank of an arch-confraternity and enriched it with many privileges and indulgences. He was amongst the first to visit the picture in its new home, and his name is the first in the register of the arch-confraternity.

Two thousand three hundred facsimiles of the Holy Picture have been sent from St. Alphonsus's church in Rome to every part of the world. At the present day not only altars, but churches and dioceses (e.g. in England, Leeds and Middlesborough; in the United States, Savannah) are dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. In some places, as in the United States, the title has been translated Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

         Feast of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
             Within the Octave of the Nativity
                      of St. John the Baptist
                          White vestments
              Missa "Gaudeamus omnes"

INTROITUS - Psalm 44: 2
Gaudeamus omnes in Domino, diem festum celebrántes sub honóre beátæ Mariæ Vírginis Regínæ: de cujus solemnitáte gaudent Angeli, et collaudant Fílium Dei. Ps. 44. 2. Effundit cor meum verbum bonum: dico ego carmen meum Regi. Gloria Patri.

Let us all rejoice in the Lord, celebrating a feast in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary: at whose solemnity the angels rejoice and join in praising the Son of God Ps. 44: 2 My heart hath uttered a good word; I speak my works to the King. Glory be.
Let us all rejoice…

Almighty and merciful God, Who hast given us a picture of Thy most blessed Mother to venerate under the special title of Perpetual Succor, mercifully grant us to be so fortified, among all the vicissitudes of this wayfaring life, by the protection of the same immaculate, ever virgin Mary, that we may deserve to attain the rewards of Thine everlasting redemption. Who livest and reignest.

Commemoration of the Feria
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
O God, Who hast prepared for them that love Thee such good things as pass understanding: pour into our hearts such love towards Thee, that we, loving Thee in all things, and above all things, may obtain Thy promises which exceed all that we can desire. Through our Lord.

Octave of St. John the Baptist
O God, Who hast made this day honorable to us on account of the birth of blessed John, grant Thy people the grace of spiritual joys, and direct the minds of all the faithful in the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord.

Ecclesiasticus 24: 23-31
As the vine I have brought forth a pleasant odor, and my flowers are the fruit of honor and riches. I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope. In me is all grace of the way and of the truth, in me is all hope of life and of virtue. Come over to me, all ye that desire me, and be filled with my fruits; for my spirit is sweet above honey, and my inheritance above honey and the honeycomb. My memory is unto everlasting generations. They that eat me, shall yet hunger; and they that drink me, shall yet thirst. He that hearkeneth to me shall not be confounded, and they that work by me shall not sin. They that explain me shall have life everlasting.

Thou art all lovely and sweet, O daughter of Sion, beautiful as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army in battle array. V. (Judith 13: 22) The Lord hath blessed thee by His power, because by thee He hath brought to naught our enemies. Alleluia, alleluia. V. (Luke 1: 28) Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women. Alleluia.

GOSPEL - John 19: 25-27
Now there stood by the cross of Jesus, His mother, and His mother's sister, Mary of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalen. When Jesus therefore had seen His mother and the disciple standing whom He loved, He saith to His mother: "Woman, behold thy son." After that, He saith to the disciple: "Behold thy mother." And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own.

OFFERTORY - Jeremiah 18: 24
Remember, O Virgin Mother, that thou speak good things for us in the sight of God, that He turn away His wrath from us.

By Thy clemency, O Lord, and the intercession of blessed Mary, ever a virgin, may this oblation profit us unto eternal and also present well being and peace. Through our Lord.

Commemoration for the Feria
Be appeased, O Lord, by our humble prayers, and favorably receive the offerings of Thy people: and that the prayers of none be vain, no one petition void, grant, that what we ask faithfully, we may obtain effectually. Through our Lord.

Octave St. John the Baptist
We heap Thine altars with gifts, O Lord, celebrating with fitting honour the nativity of him who heralded the coming of the Saviour, and pointed Him out when He had come, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who liveth and reigneth.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, everlasting God and that we should praise and bless, and proclaim Thee, on the Visitation of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin: Who also conceived Thine only-begotten Son by the over-shadowing of the Holy Ghost, and the glory of her virginity still abiding, gave forth to the world the everlasting light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Through whom the angels praise Thy Majesty, the Dominations worship it, and the Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with them we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted, while we say with lowly praise:

O Mary, ever Virgin, who because of thy great worth, God set up as Queen of the whole world, pray for our peace and salvation, for Thou hast brought forth Christ the Lord, the Savior of us all.

May the august intercession of Mary, Thy glorious Mother, ever-virgin, help us, O Lord, that those whom it hath heaped with benefits it may deliver from all peril and by her tender kindness, make to be of one mind. Who livest and reignest.

For the Commemoration for the Feria
We have been filled, Lord, with Thy gifts: grant we beseech thee, that we may both be cleansed by their effects, and defended by their aid. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son.

Octave of the Nativity, St. John the Baptist
May Thy Church, O God, be joyful at the birth of blessed John the Baptist: through whom she knew the Author of her regeneration, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who with Thee livest and reignest.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


They took up that which was left of the fragments, seven baskets                           

          Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Within the Octave of St. John the Baptist
Commemoration Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs
        Semi-Double - Green vestments
            Missa “Dóminus fortitúdo”   

Sts. John and Paul, Martyrs
They were both officers in the army under Julian the Apostate, and received the crown of martyrdom, probably in 362, under Apronianus, prefect of Rome, a great enemy of the Christians. These saints glorified God by a double victory: they despised the honors of the world, and triumphed over its threats and torments. They saw many wicked men prosper in their impiety, but were not dazzled by their example. They considered that worldly prosperity which attends impunity in sin is the most dreadful of all judgments; and how false and short-lived was this glittering prosperity of Julian, who in a moment fell into the pit which he himself had dug! But the martyrs, by the momentary labour of their conflict, purchased an immense weight of never-fading glory: their torments were, by their heroic patience and invincible virtue and fidelity, a spectacle worthy of God, who looked down upon them from the throne of his glory, and held his arm stretched out to strengthen them, and to put on their heads immortal crowns in the happy moment of their victory.

 Mass Propers

Dominus fortitúdo plebis suæ et protector salutárium Christi sui est: salvum fac pópulum tuum, Dómine, et bénedic hereditáti tuæ, et rege eos usque in sǽculum.
Ps. Ad te, Dómine, clamábo, Deus meus, ne síleas a me: nequando táceas a me, et assimilábor descendéntibus in lacum. V. Glória Patri.

INTROIT - Psalm 27: 8-9
The Lord is the strength of His people, and the protector of the salvation of His anointed: save, O Lord, Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance, and rule them forever. (Ps. 27: 1) Unto thee will I cry, O Lord: O my God, be not Thou silent to me, lest if Thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit. V. Glory be to the Father.

O God, Who hast prepared for them that love Thee such good things as pass understanding: pour into our hearts such love towards Thee, that we, loving Thee in all things, and above all things, may obtain Thy promises which exceed all that we can desire. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, Forever and ever.

Second Collect
We beseech You, almighty God, that on this feast day we may have the double joy of celebrating blessed John and Paul, true brothers who obtained eternal glory through one faith and one martyrdom. Through our lord.

Third Collect
O God, Who hast made this day honorable to us on account of the birth of blessed John, grant Thy people the grace of spiritual joys, and direct the minds of all the faithful in the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord.

EPISTLE: Romans 6: 3-11
Lesson from the Epistle of Blessed Paul the Apostle to the Romans.
Brethren, All we who are baptized in Christ Jesus are baptized in His death. For we are buried together with Him by baptism unto death that as Christ is risen from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we also may walk in the newness of life. For if we have been planted together in the likeness of His death, we shall also be in the likeness of His resurrection. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with Him, that the body of sin may be destroyed, and that we may serve sin no longer. For he that is dead is justified from sin. Now if we be dead with Christ, we believe that we shall live also together with Christ. Knowing that Christ, rising again from the dead, death now no more, death shall no more have dominion over Him. For in that He died to sin, He died once; but in that He liveth, He liveth unto God. So do you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

GRADUAL - Ps. 89: 13, 1
Return, O Lord, a little: and be entreated in favor of Thy servants. V. Lord, Thou hast been our refuge from generation to generation.

Alleluia - Ps. 30: 2, 3
Alleluia, alleluia. In Thee, O Lord, I have hoped, let me never be confounded: deliver me in Thy justice, and release me: bow down Thine ear to me, make haste to deliver me. Alleluia.

GOSPEL - Mark 8: 1-9
Continuation of Holy Gospel according to St. Mark
At that time, when there was a great multitude with Jesus, and they had nothing to eat, calling His disciples together, He saith to them: “I have compassion on the multitude, for behold they have now been with Me three days, and have nothing to eat and if I shall send them away fasting to their home, they will faint in the way: for some of them came from afar off.” And His disciples answered Him: “From whence can anyone fill them here with bread in the wilderness?” And he asked them: “How many loaves have ye?” Who said: “Seven” And He commanded the people to sit down on the ground. And taking the seven loaves, giving thanks, He broke and gave to His disciples to set before the people, and they had a few little fishes, and He blessed them, and commanded them to be set before’ them. And they did eat, and were filled: and they took up that which was left of the fragments, seven baskets: and they that had eaten, were about four thousand: and He sent them away.

OFFERTORY- Psalm 16: 5-7
Perfect Thou my goings in Thy paths, that my footsteps be not moved: incline Thine ear, and hear my words: show forth Thy wonderful mercies, Thou Who savest them that trust in Thee, O Lord.

Be appeased, O Lord, by our humble prayers, and favorably receive the offerings of Thy people: and that the prayers of none be vain, no one petition void, grant, that what we ask faithfully, we may obtain effectually. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God.

Second Secret
Graciously receive, O Lord, the sacrifices consecrated to Thee for the merits of Thy saints, John and Paul, and grant that they may profit for our everlasting help. Through our Lord.

Third Secret Prayer
We heap Thine altars with gifts, O Lord, celebrating with fitting honour the nativity of him who heralded the coming of the Saviour, and pointed Him out when He had come, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who liveth and reigneth.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation, that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, ever-lasting God: Who, together with Thine only-begotten Son, and the Holy Ghost, are one God, one Lord: not in the oneness of a single Person, but in the Trinity of one substance. For what we believe by Thy revelation of Thy glory, the same do we believe of Thy Son, the same of the Holy Ghost, without difference or separation. So that in confessing the true and everlasting Godhead, distinction in persons, unity in essence, and equality in majesty may be adored. Which the Angels and Archangels, the Cherubim also and Seraphim do praise: who cease not daily to cry out with one voice saying:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dóminus, Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus, qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.

COMMUNION - Psalm 26: 6
I will go round, and offer up in His tabernacle a sacrifice of jubilation; I will sing, and recite a psalm to the Lord.

We have been filled, Lord, with Thy gifts: grant we beseech thee, that we may both be cleansed by their effects, and defended by their aid. Through the same Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God.

Second Post Communion
We have partaken of Thy heavenly sacrament, O Lord, celebrating the feast of Thy holy martyrs John and Paul; grant, we beseech Thee, that what we do in this life may have its consequences in everlasting joys. Through the Lord.

Third Post Communion

May Thy Church, O God, be joyful at the birth of blessed John the Baptist: through whom she knew the Author of her regeneration, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who with Thee livest and reignest.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


         Nativity of St. John the Baptist

The birth of St. John was foretold by an angel of the Lord to his father, Zachary, who was offering
Incense in the Temple. It was the office of St. John to prepare the way for Christ, and before he was born into the world he began to live for the Incarnate God. Even in the womb he knew the presence of Jesus and of Mary, and he leaped with joy at the glad coming of the Son of man. In his youth he remained hidden, because He for Whom he waited was hidden also. But before Christ’s public life began, a divine impulse led St. John into the desert; there, with locusts for his food and haircloth on his skin, in silence and in prayer, he chastened his own soul. Then, as crowds broke in upon his solitude, he warned them to flee from the wrath to come, and gave them the baptism of penance, while they confessed their sins. At last there stood in the crowd One Whom St. John did not know, till a voice within told him that it was his Lord. With the baptism of St. John, Christ began His penance for the sins of His people, and St. John saw the Holy Ghost descend in bodily form upon Him. Then the Saint’s work was done. He had but to point his own disciples to the Lamb, he had but to decrease as Christ increased. He saw all men leave him and go after Christ. “I told you,” he said, “that I am not the Christ. The friend of the Bridegroom rejoiceth because of the Bridegroom’s voice. This my joy therefore is fulfilled.”

Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist

Double of the First Class with a Common Octave / White Vestments

Missa ‘De ventre matris’

INTROIT - Isaias 49: 1-2

De ventre matris meæ vocávit me Dóminus nómine meo: et pósuit os meum ut gládium acútum: sub teguménto manus suæ protexit me, et pósuit me quasi sagíttam eléctam. Ps. 91: 2.Bonum est confitéri Dómino: et psállere nómini tuo, Altíssime. Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

From the womb of my mother the Lord hath called me by my name, and He hath made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He hath protected me, and hath made me as a chosen arrow. Ps. It is good to give praise to the Lord, and to sing to Thy name, O Most High. Glory be to the Father.

Deus, qui præséntem diem honorábilem nobis in beáti Joánnis nativitáte fecísti: da pópulis tuis spirituálium grátiam gaudiórum; et ómnium fidélium mentes dírige in viam salútis ætérnæ. Per Dóminum.

O God, Who hast made this day honorable to us on account of the birth of blessed John, grant Thy people the grace of spiritual joys, and direct the minds of all the faithful in the way of eternal salvation. Through our Lord.

EPISTLE - Isaias 49: 1-3, 5-7
Auídte, ínsulæ, et atténdite, pópuli de longe: Dóminus ab útero vocávit me, de ventre matris meæ recordátus est nóminis mei. Et pósuit os meum quasi gládium acútum: in umbra manus suæ protéxit me, et pósuit me sicut sagíttam eléctam: in pháretra sua abscóndit me. Et dixit mihi: Servus meus es tu, Israël, quia in te gloriábor. Et nunc dicit Dóminus, formans me ex útero servum sibi: Ecce dedi te in lucem géntium, ut sis salus mea usque ad extrémum terræ. Reges vidébunt, et consúrgent príncipes, et adorábunt propter Dóminum, et sanctum Israël, qui elégit te.

Jeremias 1: 5, 9
Priúsquam te formárem in útero, novi te: et ántequam exires de ventre,sanctificávi te. V. Misit Dóminus manum suam, et tétigit os meum, et dixit mihi.

Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee. V. The Lord put forth His hand, and touched my mouth: and said to me.

ALLELUIA - Luke 1: 76
Allelúia, allelúia. V. Tu, puer prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis: præíbis ante Dóminum paráre vias ejus. Allelúia.

Alleluia, alleluia. V. Thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest; thou shalt go before the Lord to prepare His ways. Alleluia.

GOSPEL Luke 1: 57-68
Elisabeth implétum est tempus pariéndi, et péperit fílium. Et audiérunt vicíni, et cognáti ejus, quia magnificávit Dóminus misericórdiam suam cum illa, et congratulabántur ei. Et factum est in die octávo, venérunt círcumcídere púerum, et vocábant eum nómine patris sui Zacharíam. Et respóndens mater ejus, dixit: Nequáquam, sed vocábitur Joánnes. Et dixérunt ad illam: Quia nemo est in cognatióne tua, qui vócétur hoc nómine. Innuébant autem patri ejus, quem vellet vocári eum. Et póstulans pugillárem, scripsit, dicens: Joánnes est nomen ejus. Et miráti sunt univérsi. Apértum est autem illico os ejus, et lingua ejus, et loquebátur benedícens Deum. Et factus est timor super omnes vicínos eórum: et super ómnia montána Judææ divulgabántur ómnia verba hæc: et posuérunt omnes, qui audíerant in corde suo, dicéntes: Quis, putas puer iste erit? Etenim manus. Dómini erat cum illo. Et Zacharías pater ejus replétus est Spíritu Sancto, et prophetávit, dicens: Benedíctus Dóminus Deus Israël, quia visitávit et fecit redemptiónem plebis suæ.

Elizabeth's full time of being delivered was come, and she brought forth a son. And her neighbors and kinsfolk heard that the Lord had showed His great mercy towards her, and they congratulated with her. And it came to pass, that on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they called him by his father's name, Zachary. And his mother answering, said Not so, but he shall be called John. And they said to her: There is none of thy kindred that is called by that name. And they made signs to his father, how he would have him called. And demanding a writing-table, he wrote, saying: John is his name: and they all wondered. And immediately his mouth was opened, and his tongue loosed; and he spoke, blessing God. And fear came upon all their neighbors; and all these things were noised abroad over all the hill country of Judea; and all they that had heard them, laid them up in their heart, saying: What a one, think ye, shall this child be? For the hand of the Lord was with him. And Zachary his father was filled with the Holy Ghost; and he prophesied, saying: Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; because He hath visited, and wrought the redemption of His people.

OFFERTORY - Psalm 91: 13
Justus ut palma florébit: sicut cedrus, quæ in Líbano est, multiplicabitur.
The just man shall flourish like the palmtree; he shall grow up like the cedar of Lebanon.

Tua, Dómine, munéribus altária cumulámus: illíus nativitátem honóre débito celebrántes qui Salvatórem mundi et cécinit adfutúrum, et adésse monstrávit, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fílium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat.

We heap Thine altars with gifts, O Lord, celebrating with fitting honour the nativity of him who heralded the coming of the Saviour, and pointed Him out when He had come, Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who liveth and reigneth.

Vere dignum et justum est, æquum et salutare, nos tibi semper, et ubique gratias agere: Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, æterne Deus: per Christum Dominum nostrum. Per quem majestatem tuam laudant Angeli, adorant Dominationes, tremunt Potestates. Cœli, cœlorumque Virtutes ac beata Seraphim socia exultatione concelebrant. Cum quibus et nostras voces, ut admitti, jubeas, supplici confessione dicéntes.

It is truly meet and just, right and for our salvation that we should at all times and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God: through Christ our Lord. through Whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty, Dominations worship, Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it. Together with them we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be admitted, while we say in lowly praise:

Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dóminus Deus Sábaoth. Pleni sunt cæli et terra glória tua. Hosánna in excélsis. Benedíctus qui venit in nómine Dómini. Hosánna in excélsis.

COMMUNION - Luke 1: 76
Tu, puer, prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis: præíbus enim ante fáciem Dómini paráre vias ejus.

Thou, child, shalt be called the Prophet of the Highest; for thou shalt go before the face of the Lord, to prepare His ways.

Sumat Ecclésia tua, Deus, beáti Joánnis Baptístæ generatióne lætitiam: per quem suæ regeneratiónis cognóvit auctórem, Dóminum nostrum Jesum Christum Fiiium tuum: Qui tecum vivit et regnat.

May Thy Church, O God, be joyful at the birth of blessed John the Baptist: through whom she knew the Author of her regeneration, our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son: Who with Thee livest and reignest.