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The Adoration of the Magi by Tintoretto
Novena in preparation for the
Epiphany of Our Lord
holy Magi, who, when deserted by the star in the city of Jerusalem, sought humbly,
and without human respect, from the rulers of the Church, the place where you
might discover the object of your journey; obtain for us grace to have
recourse, in faith and humility, in all our doubts and perplexities to the
counsel of our superiors, who hold the place of God on earth.
be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the
beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.
salute Thee, O divine Heart, with the three Magi who offered their homage to
Thee. Regard me, I beseech Thee, with the same love and kindness with which
Thou didst receive them, that I may offer with my heart, gold, frankincense and
myrrh; that is to say, my intellect, my memory and my will, in complete
subjection to Thee, in faith, hope, charity, in thought, word and deed. Accept
my offering, accept my heart, and grant that I may live and die thanking Thee
for the invaluable favor of being called to the true faith. Hence, I beg of
Thee, by the joy which filled Thy heart, when Thou didst see the first of the
Gentiles at Thy feet, to hear my prayer and grant the request I make in this
Novena. Amen.
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