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blesses Jacob
The Church's Year
By Rev. Fr.
Leonard Goffine
Genesis 27: 6-40
In those days: Rebecca said to her son Jacob: I heard thy father talking
with Esau, thy brother, and saying to him: Bring me of thy hunting, and make me
meats that I may eat, and bless thee in the sight of the Lord, before I die. Now
therefore, my son, follow my counsel: And go thy way to the flock, bring me two
kids of the best, that I may make of them meat for thy father, such as he
gladly eateth. Which when thou hast brought in, and he hath eaten, he may bless
thee before he die. And he answered her: Thou knowest that Esau, my brother, is
a hairy man, and I am smooth: If my father should feel me, and perceive it, I
fear lest he will think I would have mocked him, and I shall bring upon me a
curse instead of a blessing. And his mother said to him: Upon me be this curse,
my son: only hear thou my voice, and go, fetch me the things which I have said.
He went, and brought, and gave them to his mother. She dressed meats, such as
she knew his father liked. And she put on him very good garments of Esau, which
she had at home with her: And the little skins of the kids she put about his
hands, and covered the bare of his neck. And she gave him the savoury meat, and
delivered him bread that she had baked. Which when he had carried in, he said:
My father? But he answered: I hear. Who art thou, my son? And Jacob said: I am
Esau, thy firstborn: I have done as thou didst command me: arise, sit and eat
of my venison, that thy soul may bless me. And Isaac said to his son: How
couldst thou find it so quickly, my son? He answered: It was the will of God,
that what I sought came quickly in my way: And Isaac said: Come hither, that I
may feel thee, my son, and may prove whether thou be my son Esau, or no. He
came near to his father, and when he had felt him, Isaac said: The voice indeed
is the voice of Jacob; but the hands, are the hands of Esau. And he knew him
not, because his hairy hands made him like to the elder. Then blessing him, He
said: Art thou my son Esau? He answered: I am. Then he said: Bring me the meats
of thy hunting, my son, that my soul may bless thee. And when they were
brought, and he had eaten, he offered him wine also, which after he had drunk, He
said to him: Come near me, and give me a kiss, my son. He came near, and kissed
him. And immediately as he smelled the fragrant smell of his garments, blessing
him, he said: Behold, the smell of my son is as the smell of a plentiful field,
which the Lord hath blessed. God give thee of the dew of heaven, and of the
fatness of the earth, abundance of corn and wine. And let peoples serve thee,
and tribes worship thee: be thou lord of thy brethren, and let thy mother's
children bow down before thee. Cursed be he that curseth thee: and let him that
blesseth thee be filled with blessings. Isaac had scarce ended his words, when,
Jacob being now gone out abroad, Esau came, and brought in to his father meats,
made of what he had taken in hunting, saying: Arise, my father, and eat of thy
son's venison; that thy soul may bless me. And Isaac said to him: Why! who art
thou? He answered: I am thy firstborn son, Esau. Isaac was struck with fear,
and astonished exceedingly; and wondering beyond what can be believed, said:
Who is he then that even now brought me venison that he had taken, and I ate of
all before thou camest? and I have blessed him, and he shall be blessed. Esau
having heard his father's words, roared out with a great cry; and, being in a
consternation, said: Bless me also, my father. And he said: Thy brother came deceitfully
and got thy blessing. But he said again: Rightly is his name called Jacob; for
he hath supplanted me lo this second time: My birthright he took away before,
and now this second time he hath stolen away my blessing. And again he said to
his father: Hast thou not reserved me also a blessing? Isaac answered: I have
appointed him thy lord, and have made all his brethren his servants: I have
established him with corn and wine, and after this, what shall I do more for
thee, my son? And Esau said to him: Hast thou only one blessing, father? I
beseech thee bless me also. And when he wept with a loud cry, Isaac being
moved, said to him: In the fat of the earth, and in the dew of heaven from
above, shall thy blessing be.
The two sons of Isaac so esteemed their father's blessing, that one of
them even strove to gain it by a fraud, and the other wept and lamented in
grief at losing it. Let us not disregard the blessing of our parents, because,
as the Bible says, it builds houses for the children, while their curse uproots
their foundations. (Eccl. iii. 11.) If the holy Patriarch Jacob sinned by a
lie, we must bear in mind, that we are not to imagine ourselves secure, and
that we should never let ourselves be led into even the smallest sin to gain
any good however great.
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The Return of the Prodigal Son |
Luke 15:11-32
At that time: Jesus spoke to the Scribes and Pharisees this parable: A
certain man had two sons: And he said: A certain man had two sons: and the
younger of them said to his father: Father, give me the portion of substance
that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his substance. And not many days
after, the younger son, gathering all together, went abroad into a far country:
and there wasted his substance, living riotously. And after he had spent all,
there came a mighty famine in that country: and he began to be in want. And he
went and cleaved to one of the citizens of that country. And he sent him into
his farm to feed swine. And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks
the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. And returning to himself, he said:
How many hired servants in my father's house abound with bread, and I here
perish with hunger! I will arise and will go to my father and say to him:
Father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee. I am not worthy to be
called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. And rising up, he came to
his father. And when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him and was
moved with compassion and running to him fell upon his neck and kissed him. And
the son said to him: Father: I have sinned against heaven and before thee I am
not now worthy to be called thy son. And the father said to his servants: Bring
forth quickly the first robe and put it on him: and put a ring on his hand and
shoes on his feet. And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it: and let us
eat and make merry: Because this my son was dead and is come to life again, was
lost and is found. And they began to be merry. Now his elder son was in the
field and when he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. And
he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. And he said
to him: Thy brother is come and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because
he hath received him safe. And he was angry and would not go in. His father
therefore coming out began to entreat him. And he answering, said to his
father: Behold, for so many years do I serve thee and I have never transgressed
thy commandment: and yet thou hast never given me a kid to make merry with my
friends. But as soon as this thy son is come, who hath devoured his substance
with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf. But he said to him:
Son, thou art always with me; and all I have is thine. But it was fit that we
should make merry and be glad: for this thy brother was dead and is come to
life again; he was lost, and is found.
This parable was spoken principally for the Pharisees, who reproached
our Saviour's loving behavior towards publicans and sinners, at the same time it
is a trustworthy testimony, for all sinners, to the willingness of God, the
best Father, to receive at all times, and with most compassionate love, every
one, even the greatest sinner, who truly repents, forgiving and forgetting all
his misdeeds. " The food of the Heavenly Father is our salvation,"
says St. Ambrose, and “His joy is our redemption from our sins." Should
not this unspeakable love and goodness of God move you to conversion, when,
like the prodigal son, you have seen it?
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