St. Thérèse
of Lisieux
Saint Thérèse of
Lisieux (Born Marie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin, January 2, 1873 – September 30,
1897), or Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, O.C.D., was a French
Discalced Carmelite nun. She is popularly known as "The Little Flower of
Jesus" or simply, "The Little Flower".
Thérèse has been a
highly influential model of sanctity for Catholics and for others because of
the "simplicity and practicality of her approach to the spiritual
life". Together with St. Francis of Assisi, she is one of the most popular
saints in the history of the church. Pope
Pius X called her "the greatest saint of modern times".
Thérèse felt an early
call to religious life, and overcoming various obstacles, in 1888 at the early
age of 15, she became a nun and joined two of her elder sisters in cloistered
Carmelite community of Lisieux, Normandy. After nine years as a Carmelite
religious, having fulfilled various offices such as sacristan and assistant to
the novice mistress, and having spent her last eighteen months in Carmel in a
night of faith, she died of tuberculosis at the age of 24. Her feast day is on
October 3. Thérèse is well known throughout the world, with the Basilica of
Lisieux being the second largest place of pilgrimage in France after Lourdes.
Mass Propers
Double / White
Missa ‘Veni
De Libano’
INTROIT - Canticles
4: 8-9; Ps. 112: 1
Veni de Líbano, sponsa
mea, veni de Líbano, veni: vulnerásti cor meum, soror mea, sponsa, vulnerásti
cor meum. Ps. Laudáte, púeri, Dórninum: laudáte nomen Dómini. Gloria Patri.
Come from Libanus, my
spouse, come from Libanus, come: Thou hast wounded my heart, my sister, my
spouse: Thou hast wounded my heart. Ps. Praise the Lord, ye children: Praise ye
the name of the Lord. Glory be to the
O Lord, Who hast said:
Unless ye become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of
Heaven, grant unto us, we beseech Thee, so to follow the footsteps of Saint
Teresa, the Virgin, in lowliness and simplicity of heart that we may gain
everlasting rewards: Who livest and reignest.
EPISTLE - Isaias
66: 12-14
For thus saith the
Lord: Behold I will bring upon her as it were a river of peace, and as an
overflowing torrent the glory of the Gentiles, which you shall suck; you shall
be carried at the breasts, and upon the knees they shall caress you. As one
whom the mother caresseth, so will I comfort you, and you shall be comforted in
Jerusalem. You shall see and your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall
flourish like an herb, and the hand of the Lord shall be known to His servants.
GRADUAL - Matthew
11: 25; Ps. 70: 5
I confess to Thee, O
Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the
wise and prudent and hast revealed them to little ones. My hope, O Lord, from
my youth.
ALLELUIA - Ecclus.
39: 17-19
Alleluia, alleluia. Bud
forth as the rose planted by the brooks of waters. Give ye a sweet odour as Libanus.
Send forth flowers, as the lily, and yield a smell, and bring forth leaves in
grace, and praise with canticles, and bless the Lord in His works. Alleluia.
Matthew 18: 1-4
At that time, the
disciples came to Jesus saying: Who, thinkest Thou, is the greater in the
kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus calling unto Him a little child, set him in the
midst of them and said: Amen I say to you, unless you be converted and become
as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven. Whosoever
therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greater in the
kingdom of Heaven.
Luke 1: 46-48
My soul doth magnify
the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour. Because He hath
regarded the humility of His handmaid: He that is mighty hath done great things
to me.
We beseech Thee, O
Lord, that the holy intercession of Saint Teresa, Thy Virgin, may make our
sacrifice agreeable to Thee, so that it may be made acceptable by the merits of
her in whose honour it is solemnly offered. Through our Lord.
It is truly meet and
just, right and for our salvation that we should at all times and in all
places, give thanks unto Thee, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God:
through Christ our Lord. through Whom the Angels praise Thy Majesty,
Dominations worship, Powers stand in awe. The Heavens and the Heavenly hosts
together with the blessed Seraphim in triumphant chorus unite to celebrate it.
Together with them we entreat Thee, that Thou mayest bid our voices also to be
admitted, while we say in lowly praise:
COMMUNION – Deuteronomy
32: 10-12
He led her about and
taught her: and He kept her as the apple of His eye. As the eagle, He spread
His wings and hath taken her, and carried her on His shoulders. The Lord alone
was her leader.
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Tomb in the Carmel in Lisieux |
May the heavenly
mystery, O Lord, enkindle in us that fire of love, whereby the Saint Teresa,
Thy Virgin, offered herself to Thee as a victim of charity for men. Through our
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