In that day there shall be a fountain open to the
house of David, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and you shall draw waters with
joy out of the Saviour’s fountain. Every living creature that creepeth
whithersoever the torrent shall come, shall live: and there shall be fishes in
abundance after these waters shall come thither, and they shall be healed, and
all things shall live to which the torrent shall come. These waters are to be
understood mystically of the Blood of Christ, and in this Blood we find the
riches of His grace as applied by the holy sacrifice of the Mass and the

In bringing comfort to our Saviour in Gethsemane, the consoling angel is represented to us holding a chalice in his
hand. Pain, as beautifully described by Pere Laurent, not only respects the
past, that is, it is not only expiatory in character, but is one of the finest
signs of God s mindfulness for us in the present as well as for the future.
We are afflicted that we may be saved, and the hand
that wounds is also the hand that heals. New spiritual life is born from, this
partial destruction of our being by suffering. God allows jealous rivalries,
cruel disappointments, unexpected humiliations to accomplish this aim; here he
shatters a fortune, there He humbles a pride; dissipates this man s dreams for
the future, strikes that man in his affections; maybe for another all earthly
happiness will be swallowed up at a blow. In all this lies the mission of pain.
It is a force that brings God nearer to us and raises us up to God. Ego venio
et curabo eum. I myself will come down and heal him. It detaches us from this
sinful world, and our sinful habits, even as a log is raised to the skies by
applying fire to it and letting it go up in flame and smoke. Our sufferings
ascend to heaven like sweet incense. Pain enlightens the mind by bringing home
to us the true meaning of life and death and inspiring us with a desire for
blessed immortality. He who has not suffered what does he know? It is a great leveler
and makes us all akin. In passione socii. It is an ordeal that fortifies the
will. Sound virtue and indomitable will-power can be attained only by him whose
spirit has been tempered by sacrifice and subjected again and again to testing
blows in the forge of life. It mellows our character. It is a grace which
sanctifies the soul. By pain a sort of mystic union is effected which unites
the life of the suffering soul to the very life of the suffering God-Man, and
in this contact of the soul with God, pain is transmuted into power of
redemption. Such as are patient and resigned to the will of God, acquire a
likeness to their Divine Master and take on the lineaments of theCrucified, especially if their sufferings are, in a measure, undeserved. They are identified with Jesus Christ as victims of His special love to be an expiation for this wicked world and thus become a part of the vast scheme of atonement.
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