Tuesday, September 15, 2015


The witness of thy Apparition, O sweet Mother, vie with each other in telling me of the extreme simplicity of thy dress, and the modesty of thy looks. What a lesson for my pride and vanity, to behold thee clothed with a common gown, a simple neckerchief, a humble apron, and a cap completely covering thy ears and thy hair. Who could but admire thy carefulness in concealing thy angelic face from the eyes of the small boy? No sorrowful Mother, thou couldst not more forcibly reprove pride, luxuriousness and sensuality, the allurements of which make numberless victims, both in this world and in the next. Help me, O Mother, to fly from the world and its distractions; to lead an interior life in order to become like Saint Paul, "the good odor of Christ unto God." Help me to understand better that, to keep my heart pure, I must endeavor to be humble, to love mortification and to shun the sinful pleasures of the world.

Recite the Litany of Our Lady of La Salette.

Litany of Our Lady of La Salette
Our Lady of La Salette, Mother of God, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, Queen and Mother of men, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, Messenger of Divine Mercy, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, all-powerful suppliant, pray for us.
Thou who restrainest the arm of the Lord angered against us, pray for us.
Thou who sheddest so many tears on account of our sins and misfortunes, pray for us.
Thou who carest so much for us, in spite of all our ingratitude, pray for us.
Thou who dost so lovingly invite us to have recourse to thee, pray for us.
Thou who dost reproach us with our violation of Sunday and with blasphemy, pray for us.
Thou who dost complain so sorrowfully of the profanation of holy things, pray for us.
Thou who dost so strongly recommend prayer, and especially morning and evening prayer
pray for us.
Thou who dost condemn so severely our lusts and the shameful pleasures of the world, pray for us.
Thou who dost remind us so touchingly of the Passion of Jesus, pray for us.
Thou whose apparition is a source of salvation for poor sinners, pray for us.
Thou who dost invite so pressingly the just to redouble their fervor, pray for us.
Thou whose prophetic menaces have so justly alarmed the world, pray for us.
Thou who dost promise so many blessings if we become converted, pray for us.
Thou who didst cause to spring up at thy feet a fountain of miraculous water, pray for us.
Thou who, after the example of Jesus, dost heal every infirmity, pray for us.
Thou who dost desire to be honored and invoked throughout the world, pray for us.
Thou who didst cause so many works of reparation to be undertaken and to prosper, pray for us.
Our Lady of La Salette, living example of charity, pray for us.
Victim of penance and expiation, pray for us.
Model of modesty and simplicity, pray for us.
Standard of obedience and submission, pray for us.
Source of burning zeal and of the apostleship, pray for us.
Loving Mother of the poor and of children, pray for us.
Light of the blind and of the ignorant, pray for us.
Consolation of the sick and of the afflicted, pray for us.
Hope of the despairing, pray for us. Help of the Church militant, pray for us.
Advocate of the Church suffering, pray for us.
Glory of the Church triumphant, pray for us.

By thy bitter complaints of men's sinfulness, render us docile to the law of thy Divine Son, O Mary! By thy abundant tears, obtain for us the grace to weep over our sins, O Mary! By thy motherly sufferings obtain for us resignation in all trials, O Mary! By thy apparitions and thy miracles, revive the faith of thy people, O Mary! By the mysterious looks towards Rome, make us more and more devoted to the Holy See, O Mary! By thy incomparable tenderness make us love thee more and more, O Mary! By thy ravishing beauty, make us sigh after heaven, O Mary! By thy assumption, draw us after thee, O Mary!

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