Sunday, September 6, 2015



O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

O sing, my tongue, the victory of the glorious
combat! Tell how was won the noble triumph
on the trophy of the Cross, and how
the world's Redeemer, when immolated,

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

Our Creator compassionated his creature,
our First Parent, when being deceived,
he be came a victim of death by eating
the fatal fruit : and even then he chose
the Tree, whereby to make good the
evils brought on us by that other tree.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

This was the plan designed for our salvation,
that sacrifice divine should foil the artifice
of Satan, the arch- seducer; and turn the
very instrument, wherewith the enemy
had wounded us, into our remedy.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

When, therefore, the fullness of God's time
had come, the Son, by whom the world
was made, was sent from heaven; and
having clothed himself with our flesh,
in the Virgin's womb, he came among us.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

He lies a weeping Babe in a little crib.
His Virgin Mother swathes his limbs with clothes.
The hands and feet of God are tied with bands!

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

Thirty years he lived on earth, and his mortal life
was nigh its end. He, our Redeemer, willingly
gave himself up to his Passion; He, the
Lamb of Sacrifice, was raised upon the Cross.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

His drink is gall; his strength is gone; his tender
flesh is pierced with thorns, and nails, and spear;
and from it flows a stream of water and blood,
wherewith the earth and sea, the stars and
world, are washed.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

Bow down thy branches, lofty Tree!
unstring thy sinews, soften thine inborn
hardness, and gently welcome the body
of our Almighty King!

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

Thou alone wast found worthy to bear the Victim
of the world! Thou wast the Ark that led this ship-
wrecked world into the haven of salvation!
The sacred Blood that flowed from the
Lamb covered and anointed thee.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

To the Blessed Trinity be glory everlasting!
To the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
be equal praise! May heaven and earth
praise the Name of the Triune God! Amen.

O Faithful Cross! thou no blest of all trees.
No forest yields thy like, in leaf, or flower, or fruit.
Sweet is the Wood, that hath nails so sweet,
and bears so sweet a weight!

Exaltation of the Holy Cross Novena

Jesus, Who because of Your burning love
for us willed to be crucified and to shed
Your Most Precious Blood for the redemption
and salvation of our souls, look down upon
us and grant the petition we ask for...

          (mention here)

We trust completely in Your Mercy.
Cleanse us from sin by Your Grace,
sanctify our work,
give us and all those who are dear to us
our daily bread, lighten the burden of our
sufferings, bless our families, 
and grant to the nations, so sorely afflicted,
Your Peace, which is the only true peace,
so that by obeying Your Commandments
we may come at last to the glory of Heaven.

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