Tuesday, June 30, 2015


On the third means of being devout to the Sacred Heart - Visiting the Most Holy Sacrament.

The divine Eucharist not only profits those who receive it, but those who look upon it. Who desire it, who visit it really, or even spiritually. Visiting the Holy Sacrament was a favorite practice of St Alphonsus Liguori. F. Sales, S. J., was filled with consolation when he heard the Holy Sacrament spoken of; he was never tired visiting it. On going from one part of the house to another, he always contrived to visit his dear master, so that it was remarked that scarcely did an hour of the day pass in which he did not do so. This at length merited for him the favor of dying by the hands of heretics, while defending the truth of this mystery. SS. Aloysius and Stanislaus, angelical youths, found no comfort but at the foot of the altar. It was in the same holy spot St. Xavier took some rest after his apostolic labors, and received new strength to return to them. Devotion to Jesus, immolated on our altars, has, in fine, been the devotion of all the saints. There is nothing which more certainly gains the sacred heart of Jesus than such visits. This adorable heart is in his sacrament as a living source which flows night and day uninterruptedly, and which only requires an inlet to our hearts to purify and fertilize them. He himself invites all men to come to draw these waters from the recess of his sanctuary. He exclaims, as formerly to the Jews, “If any one thirst, let him come to me.” The solitariness of his temples shows us that he is as little heard now as formerly. Hence it is, that on the few faithful souls who hearken to him, he abundantly pours his graces; for it is commonly during their visits that he is more lavish of his gifts to them, particularly the immense one of his love. Do not say you have not time for this devotion. As you find so much for vain occupations, surely you can daily give five minutes to Jesus; and such is the love of his heart, that this short time will satisfy him, if you can spend no more with him.

Pray thrice: Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

'Adoration' - Blessed Mother Adoring Christ - Giovanni-Battista-Salvi

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